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Would you like to stand with the Single Mom Nation by offering your press inquiry, pitch, amazing mama-empowering nonprofit organization information, fantastic question, celebrity gossip, fan letters sprayed with perfume and decorated with bubble hearts, partnership proposal or other thing we absolutely must know for the good of all single mothers? 

Then we welcome your message.

Will spam us, send us emails addressed to a blanket "Dear Mommy Blogger", offer to enter us in a $25 contest or make the big sell of a hi-res image of a single-mom celeb's baby bump?

Then please skip us and move on to the next site contact form on your list.

We are looking for authentic business, reader and partnership connections here. We love feedback, welcome ideas and want to hear from those of you who support Single Mom Nation simply by being the parents, professionals and entrepreneurs that you are.

We promise to respond to legitimate messages as quickly as we can, some time between the last round of Apples to Apples, an Annie's mac-and-cheese dinner, a quick run to Trader Joe's followed by ticking off seven online bills and a first date with that one charmer on